Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Toys For The Joy Of Dogs

This month, Pin & Tack is supporting Dogs For The Deaf by donating $1 from every item sold. Besides purchasing from the shop, you can help in another way. A fun way, too.

You can donate toys to the dogs. As the dogs said, "We would like some cool doggie toys or yummy doggie treats to make our days and nights enjoyable in the kennels - and it sure would make our work a lot more fun!"

DFD Wish List Item: Kong Toy
This program is known as Toys For Joy. And who doesn't find toys joyful? I know that I do. You can donate toys, treats or other supplies. You can also provide the funds, so the DFD team can buy what they need.

DFD Wish List Item: Kuranda Dog Bed

Here is a list that the "dogs" have put together. These items will help the dogs have a happier journey while they learn to be Hearing, Autism & Program Assistance dogs.

Blessings & joy, yours truly . . . Corrinne Quinn

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