Saturday, September 15, 2012

Challenge #1: Anything Goes - Spark Your Creativity Now!

It's smack dab in the middle of the month, so it's time to welcome (uh-um . . friendly reminder) you to join Spark Your Creativity Now! Challenge. It's our very first challenge to kick off this monthly inspiration and creativity challenge. It's always Anything Goes! You get to decide what you create and share with us. Who doesn't enjoy that?

We have two sponsors for this challenge, too.

Creative Bug Digital Stamps 
(by Naomi, a SYCN design team member)
Prize: Four Digital Stamps

(by Me, aka Corrinne, Host & SYCN Design Team Coordinator)

Since this challenge lasts for a month, the design team would like to offer extra inspiration for you.
If you would like to see more of their works, click on their names to be taken to their blogs.






Now, let's get to the details. You know, the rules. No groaning, though, these rules are easy.
Just remember: If you don't follow the rules, your entry will be deleted.
This challenges ends on September 30, 2012 at 11:59pm PST.

- New handmade project, no back links, posted to your blog or online gallery. If you don't have either, you can email me (Corrinne) a photo of your project at

- Mention "Spark Your Creativity Now!" and include a link back to this blog ( in your project post.

- Enter as many new projects as you'd like.

- Combine with as many other challenges as you'd like.


  1. Awesome midway projects DT members!!!! I posted mine today...

  2. There is so much inspiration here! The DT have great projects!

  3. Thanks for the heads up Corrinne. Great DT inspiration. Carol x


Let's be social . . Share your thoughts. Always interested and appreciated!